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    AUSJAL is an inter-university network that articulates 31 universities and higher education institutions entrusted to the Society of Jesus in 14 countries of Latin America. It is part of a wide network of more than 200 Jesuit universities around the world. AUSJAL includes a network of universities and thematic research networks called peer networks; these are communities integrated by academic, professional and directive staff from member universities. Their initiatives are performed in accordance to AUSJAL strategic guidelines.

    Their work goes beyond the academic frontier and seeks for a major contribution of universities to society. The member universities, including UCAB, have a wide variety of inter-university collaboration activities which can be seen on http://www.ausjal.org

    Under the framework of its internationalization policy, UCAB embraces AUSJAL as an opportunity to enhance academic exchange, to develop a common vision of problems in Latin America and to work on providing solutions for national and regional development according to the philosophy of inter-institutional cooperation.

    Based on the above, and within the purpose of assuring real, active, and permanent participation of UCAB in AUSJAL activities, the following guidelines have been established.

    UCAB will incorporate the AUSJAL projects to its planning process and to its institutional activities in the areas of research, extension, and service. The participation of UCAB in AUSJAL activities will depend on the available financial and human resources.

    The units and staff members willing and capable of undertaking these projects voluntarily will be proposed as candidates to the AUSJAL Representative who will present a petition to the University President for their appointment as AUSJAL peers.

    Participation in AUSJAL projects will not imply hiring of new personnel unless the project includes external funding and it will represent a temporary contract.

    These peers will be responsible for defining the scoop and objectives of UCAB’s participation and for evaluating the needed actions and resources. These responsibilities must be included on the annual work plan of these staff members, and approved by their superior.

    The financial resources required for the activities of UCAB peers in AUSJAL projects will be funded by their respective units, except for travel expenses to attend meetings of the peer networks as these will be funded by the Secretariat of International Relations.

    The past and current activities as well as the partial or final results of UCAB peer’s participation in AUSJAL projects will be periodically communicated to the rest of peers and the liaison representative in the semester meetings of AUSJAL Committee.

    The AUSJAL Representative will coordinate the required logistics in order to disseminate these results to the academic community.

    These networks are integrated by professionals, teaching and research staff members from AUSJAL Universities working on common interest areas. They voluntarily participate in strategic projects aiming to consolidate the common educative project of AUSJAL Universities. They work along with the Executive Secretariat and under the institutional support of their respective universities. These networks represent the driving force of projects and plans undertaken by AUSJAL in the continent.

    It refers to a staff member designated by the corresponding University President who serves as a liaison representative among his/her university and the AUSJAL Executive Secretariat and Presidency, as well as the rest of the member universities, and the UCAB members of the AUSJAL thematic research networks. AUSJAL Representative’s major responsibility is to support the University President on the coordination and monitoring of those AUSJAL peer networks where the university has taking part, and to perform the common actions of the Association. The effectiveness on his/her role depends on permanent communication through electronic means, without excluding personal and/or institutional relationships.

    he UCAB – AUSJAL Committee is a periodical meeting integrated by the AUSJAL Representative, who serves as the chair, and all teaching and research staff members appointed to the AUSJAL peer networks and initiatives by the University President.


    To promote communication among UCAB staff members taking part in AUSJAL peer networks and to enhance the support, articulation, and development of research among networks.

    To strength and support the UCAB representation and leadership in all those networks where its expertise allows the University to participate and to have an active, effective, and stable role.

    To promote the participation of the university community in the initiatives executed by AUSJAL networks.

    To promote the results of AUSJAL peer networks within the university community.

    To channel demands, suggestions, and requirements coming from AUSJAL, UCAB and the academic staff involved in these initiatives.


    The Committee will be convened by the AUSJAL Representative and will meet for ordinary sessions at least once a quarter and as many times as required by its members for extraordinary sessions.

    The Committee may invite to its sessions other members of the university community in order to inform about specific subjects of interest for the peer networks.

    All Committee members will have voice and vote during the meetings. Quorum will constituted by the absolute majority of its members. All decision will be decided by majority.

    The Committee will appoint a secretary that along with the AUSJAL Representative will be responsible for preparing the minutes from the previous session as well as the agenda for the following session, and submitting them to the other members’ approval.


    Under the current UCAB Regulations, AUSJAL Statutes, and the AUSJAL Inter-university Agreement, the AUSJAL Committee will have the authority to:

    To require its members to present each session a short review about their peer network indicating: results achieved by their network; evaluation of activities; requirements to improve their performance; possibilities to include results and experiences from other networks.

    To analyze elements and factors that influence their work, and the network’s results; and to propose actions for permanent improvement.

    To propose strategies in order to take the lead in those networks where UCAB demonstrates major capacities as long as it is sustainable.

    To propose the development of extension projects and research areas that, attached to the priorities of UCAB internationalization and its contribution to the education project of the Jesuit universities in Latin America and the world, may result in the formation of new peer networks.

    To design new strategies and actions for attracting new peer researchers, teaching staff and students.

    To design strategies and actions for promotion of results from executed initiatives, and the experience developed through international networking
    To organize the Annual AUSJAL Day
    To discuss on those issues submitted by a member of the Committee
    To discuss on those issues submitted by AUSJAL for the consideration of the Committee
    To decide on any other issue related to the competences of the AUSJAL Representative and the Peer Networks.

    This is an annual event dedicated to the promotion of study abroad programs and academic exchange opportunities for students, teaching and research staff, offered by the 31 member universities. The AUSJAL Day regularly takes place in UCAB during the second quarter of the academic year.

    The AUSJAL Peer Networks have developed a series of inter-university online programs and courses at undergraduate, postgraduate, and actualization levels according to the areas defined by AUSJAL Strategic Plan. These are:

    Diploma on Human Rights (IIHR-AUSJAL)

    Program on Latin American University Leadership

    AUSJAL Continental Course on Poverty in Latin America

    DATIC Diploma: teachers’ training in the design of virtual projects, with emphasis on social and classroom projects

    Training Program for Online Program Facilitators

    Inter-university Course on Environment and Sustainable Development

    Course on Values ​​and Ethics

    AUSJAL Diploma on International Cooperation for Development

    Designing Virtual Learning Environments Based on Competencies (DAEV)

    More information on: http://www.ausjal.org/Oferta-Acad%C3%A9mica-Red-AUSJAL.html

    Thanks to the collaboration of UCAB Direction of Information Technologies and AUSJAL Representatives Network, the Association has developed a catalogue for official postgraduate programs of the member universities. More information on: http://www.ausjal.org/catalogo.html

    Ausjal peer institutions

    Network Proyect Peer Email
    Cooperación Académica y Relaciones Interinstitucionales Proyecto de internacionalización de Postgrados de AUSJAL Lizbeth Sánchez Meneses lsanchez@ucab.edu.ve
    Cooperación Académica y Relaciones Interinstitucionales Proyecto Sistema AUSJAL de cooperación internacional para el intercambio, asesoría y acompañamiento entre las universidades Lizbeth Sánchez Meneses lsanchez@ucab.edu.ve
    Education Latinamerican monitoring concerning youth culture in AUSJAL Universities José Francisco Juárez
    Education Ausjal online course on ethics and values. José Francisco Juárez