The AUSJAL Peer Networks have developed a series of inter-university online programs and courses at undergraduate, postgraduate, and actualization levels according to the areas defined by AUSJAL Strategic Plan. These are:
Diploma on Human Rights (IIHR-AUSJAL)
Program on Latin American University Leadership
AUSJAL Continental Course on Poverty in Latin America
DATIC Diploma: teachers’ training in the design of virtual projects, with emphasis on social and classroom projects
Training Program for Online Program Facilitators
Inter-university Course on Environment and Sustainable Development
Course on Values and Ethics
AUSJAL Diploma on International Cooperation for Development
Designing Virtual Learning Environments Based on Competencies (DAEV)
More information on:
Thanks to the collaboration of UCAB Direction of Information Technologies and AUSJAL Representatives Network, the Association has developed a catalogue for official postgraduate programs of the member universities. More information on: